The Jungfraubahnen Management AG provides the Executive Board elected by Jungfraubahn Holding AG and Berner Oberland-Bahnen AG (BOB AG) with a management infrastructure including personnel (managers, specialists), which isqualified to manage the Jungfrau Railway Group and to competently exercise management mandates for other affiliated companies. The BOB AG has also transferred its management to Jungfraubahnen Management AG under a mandate. This mandate is exercised with due regard to the interests of the BOB AG and its independence in accordance with the instructions of the Board of Directors and the organisational regulations of the BOB AG. The collaboration principles are regulated by a shareholders’ agreement.
The operating consortium benefits from the best possible utilisation of the management resources (personnel, skills, tools) that the management company establishes, maintains and develops for all its clients. Insofar as it coordinates its approach with clients in order to strive for the greatest possible synergies – particularly in marketing, customer service, insurance, quality assurance, compliance management, procurement and IT.