
Grindelwald Council press release

Grindelwald Council agrees to the V-Cableway: Jungfrau Railways and the Grindelwald-Männlichen Gondola Cableway are planning to build a V-Cableway to the Eiger Glacier and Männlichen with a common terminal in Grund. Grindelwald Council unanimously agrees with this project and brings the necessary land building regulations before the public in December 2013.

On 9 March 2013, the managers of Jungfrau Railways, the Grindelwald-Männlichen Gondola Cableway (GGM) and the entire Grindelwald Council met at a closed meeting for the V-Cableway Project. All participants agreed to the realisation of the V-Cableway. At a press conference for the Grindelwald region on Wednesday, 20 March 2013, the council leader, Mäni Schläppi, confirmed that the region had started the applicable planning measures.

New land building regulations

In order to ensure the realisation of the V-Cableway, two new land building regulations are required in Grindelwald and one in Lauterbrunnen. Those effecting the Grindelwald region were submitted to public vote in December 2013. A solo variant of the GGM will no longer be pursued in the planning. This was decided by the GGM Board at an extraordinary meeting on 13 March 2013. It considered the V-Cableway to be the right solution for GGM and intends to use it to usher in a new era. 

Grindelwald Council supports the V-Cableway, but makes clear stipulations. "The parking situation must be improved, a separate area in Grund must be guaranteed," says Council Leader, Mäni Schläppi. The independence of GGM must be guaranteed and the Wengernalp Railway (WAB) preserved. "There must be no hardship for the WAB." This was backed up with a contribution from Jungfrau Railways to the required infrastructure adjustments.  A convincing case was made that the V-Cableway is a good project for Grindelwald. "It will mean an upturn in tourism, and gives families prospects for the future," says Schläppi.

Discussion rounds with landowners

On 13 March 2013, the affected landowners in Grindelwald were the first to be informed that the Grindelwald council, GGM and Jungfrau Railways were unanimously behind the realisation of the V-Cableway. It was emphasised that the concerns of those directly affected would be taken seriously and that acceptable solutions for all would be discussed. Jungfrau Railways confirmed this evening that the conditions of the council are met. "We are committed to the First aerial cableway and are pursuing specific projects to sustainably increase its attractiveness," said CEO Urs Kessler. There was also discussion of transport connections for the ski regions, First and Kleine Scheidegg-Männlichen, as well as an improved P+R situation.

With the purchase of the "Schlössli" property below the First aerial cableway valley station, a new, more comfortable entrance to the First cableway would be possible. Plans for the "Bodmi" site development and an attractive experience offer "Schreckfeld-Bort" are in progress. The intention is to jointly plan this with all of the partners. It is not Jungfrau Railways that is building a new railway, but Grindelwald and the entire region. All parties agree that the V-Cableway can maintain and improve the long-term competitive position and attractiveness of the winter sports destination. 

For questions:

Emanuel Schläppi, Council Leader Grindelwald

Link to the press release