Bussalp Restaurant Eiger North Face Moench Jungfrau Winter

Jungfrau Eiger Run By Night

Current status:

In the shadow of the Eiger with a dash into the valley: The Jungfrau Eiger Run is a spectacular sledging run by day with a gradient of up to 36 per cent. However, the 3.5 kilometre stretch from Alpiglen to Brandegg is even more exciting at night. The Wengernalpbahn also travels to Alpiglen in the evening – in just five minutes and as often as you like with the "Jungfrau Eiger Run Evening Ticket". The burned calories can be quickly regained with a fondue in the Alpiglen or Brandegg alpine chalets, where you can stay up all night – right next to the illuminated sledging run.

Season Dates

Jungfrau Eiger Run Night Sledging
26.12.2024 – 04.01.2025 daily / 10.01.2025 – 01.03.2025 FR + SA (Open depending on weather and snow conditions.)
Rail Info Interlaken Höheweg 35
3800 Interlaken
+41 33 828 72 33

Prices (in CHF)

The Jungfrau Eiger Run By Night evening ticket is available at every Jungfrau Railways sales point. Please note that the sledge is not included in the price. Rent


Adults reducedinfo 19
Children (6-15) 19

Outward journey Grindelwald-Alpiglen 26.12.2024 - 04.01.2025 daily / 10.01.2025 - 01.03.2025 FR + SA

Grindelwald departure 17.45 18.45 19.15 22.20
Grindelwald Grund arrival 17.50 18.50 19.20


Grindelwald Grund departure 17.53 18.53 19.26 22.28
Brandegg departure 18.00 19.00 19.35 22.40
Alpiglen arrival 18.05 19.05 19.40 22.45

Shuttle trains Eiger Run 26.12.2024 - 04.01.2025 daily / 10.01.2025 - 01.03.2025 FR + SA

Departure from Brandegg  18.00 19.00 19.35 19.58 20.28 20.58 21.28 22.40info
Arrival at Alpiglen  18.05 19.05 19.40 20.03 20.33 21.03 21.33 22.45info

Return journey Alpiglen - Grindelwald 26.12.2024 - 04.01.2025 daily / 10.01.2025 - 01.03.2025 FR + SA

Departure from Alpiglen  21.45 23.00
Departure from Brandegg  22.00 23.15
Arrival at Grindelwald Grund  22.07 23.22
Departure from Grindelwald Grund  22.10 23.25
Arrival at Grindelwald  22.15 23.30